Studio portrait of a Sitting dachshund looking at the camera against a pink background
Photo size: 47.8 Mpixels (137 MB uncompressed) - 8861x5399 pixels (29.5x18 in / 75x45.7 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: alone, animal, animal themes, black, brown, canine, canis lupus familiaris, color image, Colored background, Dachshund, dog, doggy, domestic, domestic animal, Facing, friend, front view, full length, indoors, Isolated dog, looking at camera, looking at the camera, no people, nobody, one animal, pet, photography, Pink, Pink background, portrait, puppy, purebred, purebred dog, sausage dog, sitting, small, studio, studio shot, vertical, young animal
Published in: Colored background, Dachshunds